WENIFF LAB 2024 | Day 2
Day 2 of the Weniff Lab continued the exciting momentum from the day before, with even more creativity and exploration. Participants dove into planning, gearing up for filming tomorrow.
Day 2 of the Weniff Lab continued the exciting momentum from the day before, with even more creativity and exploration. Participants dove into planning, gearing up for filming tomorrow.
Denne uken arrangeres WENIFF Lab hos Fellesverket Dragen, hvor unge filmskapere mellom 15-20 år vil lære alt fra idemyldring til etterarbeid under veiledning av filmprodusent Sivert Kalvø. Deltagerne vil jobbe i grupper for å skape egne kortfilmer, som vil bli vist under WENIFFs avslutningsseremoni lørdag 9. mars. Den beste filmen vil bli premiert med en…
March 8th is the International Women’s Day. The day will also be marked at this year’s WENIFF. There will be a script writer’s workshop with Nadina Helen Bakos and Zymber Kelmendi, as well as film showings from female film makers. From 11.00-15.30 the festival day will fully be devoted to female film makers, where you…
Friday March 8th is the official opening day of this year’s WENIFF. On this day the International Women’s day will be marked with showings and a workshop, there will be a special showing of the opening movie «Life is Beautiful», international short films and an opening party with music and speeches. The day will start…
Lørdag 9. mars kl. 11-14 kan du bli med å dykke inn i den fascinerende filmskaperkunsten. Da kommer filmformidler og filmkonsulent Kalle Løchen til Løvenvold Theater for å holde workshop om blant annet historiefortelling, karakterutvikling og teknisk mestring. Kalle Løchen har tidligere vært filmkritikere og redaktør i filmtidsskriftet Film & Kino. Han har vært filmkonsulent…
(english below) Søk, lær og vinn 5000kr; Drømmer du om å lage din egen kortfilm og få den vist på kino? Vil du være en del av av en gruppe ungdommer som har samme drøm som deg ? Da er denne invitasjonen til deg! Ungdom 16 – 20 år blir invitert til…
We are so happy to inform you that, the doors of the ‘West Nordic International Film Festival’ are opening again, for the 11th time If you are a film-maker and have made a short film/documentary in the last 2 years, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO APPLY (HERE) and become part of our story. Please…
We are thrilled to announce that, the 10th edition of ‘West Nordic International Film Festival’ has been successfully completed. The program started on Thursday at 19:00 and ended on Sunday around midnight. The international jury composed by: Maru Sanchez (Mexico), Nadina Helen Bakos (Norway) and Agron Domi (Albania) awards: An authentic story with an original…
Today marks the opening day of WENIFF. The doors of the cinema in “Parken kulturhus” will open at 19:00, for all lovers of good films and art in general. The opening performance will be performed by Ålesund ballettskole & Galyna Bondarenko. The first day of the festival will feature films from different countries such as:…
Very few days separate us from the tenth edition of the festival. When we turn our heads back, different memories come to our minds. But, without a doubt, the winning films & documentaries have made their mark year after year. Recently, we had the opportunity to talk with Mr.Thomas Krohn Dalen, the director of the…