Director Miguel Sierra
Writer Miguel Sierra; Samanta Brandez
Project Type Short
Runtime 13minutes 01second
Country of Origin Spain
Five young people have just consumed some type of substance, in what seems like a simple act ofdisinhibition, but which gradually reveals itself as an anguished countdown. Through the fears of each one and the different ways in which they face the end of their rite, we discover that what takes place is a collective suicide ceremony, whose end will not be what they had planned.
Director Biography
Abandona la carrera de Derecho en la UAM para formarse como actor en el Estudio de Juan Carlos Corazza. Al mismo tiempo se forma como guionista en la Escuela Septima Ars, donde se diploma en Guion de Cine y Tv y Analisis Filmico. Anos mas tarde complementa su formacion en la ECAM, donde culmina con exito la primera promocion del Master en Guion de Series de Ficcion.