Peace Wilderness Man


Director Tim Millard

Writer Tim Millard

Producer Tim Millard

Project Type  Documentary, Short 

Runtime 35 minutes

Country of Origin Australia


An Australian war veterans journey from trauma to inner peace in Norways remote Arctic Circle.

‘Peace Wilderness Man’ is a 35 minute documentary exploring the life of wilderness guide Lex Reilly. Born and raised in Australia, Lex uses his near-spiritual connection to nature to help navigate life’s challenges. A veteran of the war in Afghanistan, Lex suffered significant trauma following that experience. Immersing himself in nature in the Arctic Circle’s vast expanse of wilderness and calm, Lex has fashioned a way of living which allows him to develop as a human being and find a degree of inner peace.


Director Biography

Tim Millard

Tim is an award-winning film-maker and video producer based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia.