Tickets are now available
Dear all, we are so happy to inform you that tickets for WENIFF 2021 are now available online. Part of this movie marathon, which is full of emotions and stories from all over the world that you can only see in the cinema, will be weniffLAB and weniffKIDS. These activities are a unique opportunity for our youth, to learn new things, expand their knowledge and network, and open new doors for the future. From the 21st to the 23rd of October, we will be waiting for you at Løvenvold Kino, Ålesund, to show 40 of the best films and documentaries that have come to our address and have been carefully selected by the professional jury of the festival. WENIFF is so happy to have Maria Holand Tøsse performing at the opening and closing of the festival. To purchase tickets online, please visit the link below: