Weniff 2021 news

The date is approaching. Each of us is taking care that everything is finalized in the best way. In work like ours nothing can be left to chance. We know this because we have been involved in the preparation of the festival for almost a decade now.
BUT, what makes this edition more special is that, for the first time, we are sharing the details with you. We have known for many years now that communication is the key but every time something has come before us and the details of the process have remained only ours. I remember now moments of joy and challenges from the past years … how good it would be to have them documented.



But, let’s concentrate on what we’re doing now (and from now on we’ll do the journey together). This makes us very happy.

These days someone from the team is dealing with the latest details of KINO LAB. We are making sure that a fantastic group of young people join us in a ‘learning marathon’, a special program where we learn and convey the passion for filmmaking. The selected young people will be divided into groups and the winning group will be rewarded not only with gratitude and a symbolic prize, but also with promotion and networking.

Another part of the team is focused on promotion. From social media posts to banners you’ll see in the city – all of them are the responsibility of our marketing team. The designs have turned out very beautiful (right?: D) We will be close to you, to remind you of the amazing feeling that only cinema can instill in our hearts. Very soon, we will be waiting for you at Løvenvold Kino, here in Ålesund.

When it comes to distributing news and communicating with you, this would be very difficult without the support of the local media. Let’s also take a moment to appriciate the support that the NAOBEN company has given us, every year. As you can see from the pictures, our banners would not have been able to touch the highs, without the support of NAOBEN’s equipment.


The last thing we are sharing with you today is the attention to technical details. Of course, every part of our work process is very important, but the sound and other technical details are the crown. We are very lucky that this job is in the hands of professional people

So… this is what is happening in recent days behind the scenes, and we wanted to leave it as a trace and a memory for years to come. After all, we are in the film industry – we know how important it is to preserve the moments.