How film festivals

Why Film Festivals are so important for your career?

A film festival, first of all, is the ‘address’ where filmmakers from a certain region or from the whole world gather to present their work. In the dynamics of the time in which we are living, despite many forms of film-presentations, film festivals remain the most unique way of promotion and networking. What we see…


Friends and collaborators of the festival, we regret to inform you that due to some unexpected problems, this years edition will be held in February 2023. Our staff is committed to making the jubilee edition more special than any other, but some problems we have faced have made us take this difficult decision. We sincerely…

Third day of the WENIFF Festival

The second night of the Ninth edition of WENIFF was another event to remember. The best movies and documentaries were shown and all the good words we heard delighted us immensely. Today is the third & the busiest day of the festival and it started at 10:00. We started with WENIFF-kids. WENIFF and LD Film…

Second day of the WENIFF Festival

Last night was the grand opening of WENIFF and it was accompanied by good movies and good music. The second night of the West Nordic Film Festival will start at 5pm, tonight. Many short films and documentaries will be screened. After party will start at 10pm and will last until 12pm. Here’s the list of…

It is ‘WENIFF Lab’ week!

It’s Weniff LAB week and seeing our fantastic group of young people working together, makes us really happy. For those of you who don’t know: WENIFF LAB, is a 1-week workshop that teaches young people the whole process of film production. From networking and brainstorming, to screen-writing, recording and editing – we cover everything. We…